Helping others movie quotes
You don’t trust people because they are trustworthy. You do it because you have nothing else to rely on. (Kang Sae-byeok)
Movie - Squid Game
Actor - Hoyeon
That's why human beings exist... to save each other from ourselves. (Jordan Roark)
Movie - My Sassy Girl
Actor - Elisha Cuthbert
We're in the same boat now. Take care not to tip it over, I can only save one of us. (Francis Underwood)
Movie - House of Cards
Actor - Kevin Spacey
I can't help you if you don't even know who you are. (Blue Caterpillar)
Movie - Alice in Wonderland
Actor - Alan Rickman
The only way you could disappear for good is to stop helping people altogether, and I sense that's not an option for you. (Quote by Lois Lane)
Movie - Man of Steel
Actor - Amy Adams
There will be generations because of what you did. (Quote by Itzhak Stern)
Movie - Schindlers List
Actor - Ben Kingsley